Monday, March 16, 2015

Before I give you this week's photo I want you to ponder a phrase, okay?  Here it is: sweet soup.  That's right, sweet soup.  Does that sound appealing to you?  Don't most of us prefer to have the "sweet" for dessert, not the main course?
Butternut squash is a favorite of mine, although I seldom prepare it because it's so hard to peel and I always sprain my hand trying.  So I was hoping this product would fill the aching void of not-enough-squash-in-my-life.  The problem is, with 12g of sugar per serving, it's just too sweet.  Now mind you, 12g of sugar in a canned soup is not unheard of.  In a tomato soup, for instance, it's really needed to offset the effect of "acid tomato."  But in a tomato soup, you don't notice the sugar.  Alas, the delicate flavor of squash just can't compete.

Okay, you may stop thinking "sweet soup" now.  Just don't buy any.  You've been warned.

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